10 Simple Ways to Help the Environment

It’s not just the massive things that make a difference – you can make helping the environment a part of your daily routine by simply adapting your habits slightly. Here are ten simple ways you can help the environment.

1. Avoid single-use plastics

One simple way to help the environment is to avoid single-use plastics, and one way to do this is to invest in reusables such as bottles, coffee cups and food containers. Plastic clogs up the oceans, affects marine life and, according to experts, the average plastic bag could take up to 1000 years to be broken down.

Simply taking a reusable cup to the coffee shop next time you go or refilling a bottle with tap water instead of buying a new one will go a long way to counteracting this.

2. Shop locally and seasonally

Changing the way you food shop is another simple way you can help the environment. Reducing the amount of meat and dairy products you eat can make a big difference to your environmental impact, but a simple change to make is to start shopping locally and seasonally.

Buying fresh, organic food supports local farmers rather than encouraging food to be transported long distances, causing unnecessary carbon emissions.

3. Reduce waste

How much food do you throw away each week? Reducing the amount you waste also reduces your environmental impact.

Make a meal plan and only buy what you need, understand the difference between sell-by dates and real expiration dates, and eat leftovers if you have them rather than making new meals until you’re forced to throw them away.

4. Reduce your carbon footprint

One of the main ways you can reduce your carbon footprint is by reviewing the way you travel. Because of COVID-19, many of us aren’t commuting at all anymore, but if you drive alone to work or town, consider biking or taking public transport instead, and walk when you can. If you have to drive, consider car-pooling or combining different tasks into one trip.

5. Plant for pollinators

One simple way to help the environment is to plant some nectar plants on your property that can attract pollinators such as bees, butterflies and flower beetles.

Pollinators are essential for our natural world to function and, even if you don’t have a garden, a small planter on your window or balcony can make a significant impact and give you some local wildlife to admire.

6. Recycle, reuse, upcycle

We often throw things away after they have served their original purpose and buy a new version, but getting into a habit of recycling, reusing, or upcycling is a simple way to help the environment.

Small items like jam jars and tin cans can be turned into candle holders or plant pots, and bigger items like pallets can be broken down for materials or upcycled into your next DIY project.

7. Take an interest in politics

Whilst we are all responsible for making a better world to live in, it is governments that can enforce large-scale change. By taking an interest in politics, you can help to affect this change.

The first step is to make sure you’re registered to vote and support the local candidate who has put environmental causes at the top of their agenda. You can also take part in demonstrations, start petitions, and write letters to MPs to shine a light on environmental issues.

8. Stay informed

Another simple way to help the environment is to stay informed. In order to affect change and have meaningful discussions about the environment, it is important to stay informed of the latest developments in legislation, the state of the natural world, and any climate change news.

Publications such as WWF’s Living Planet Report are available to download for free, and you can filter by environmental articles on news outlets like BBC News and The Guardian.

9. Find ways to donate/volunteer

There are some great charities and organisations who focus on restoring nature, protecting wildlife, tackling the causes of climate change, and more. Wildlife and environmental charities are always looking for volunteers, so whatever time you have to spare will be gratefully received. You may also be able to volunteer at local nature reserves or parks.

If you don’t have the time to volunteer, you can also find worthwhile causes to donate to such as WWF’s ‘adopt an animal’ project.

10. Switch to an environmental search engine

Possibly the easiest way to have a positive impact on the environment is to change your search engine – especially if you typically use Google a lot.

This is because Google only donates a small percentage of their advertising profits to charitable causes, but charitable search engines donate far more. At SearchScene, for example, we donate 95% of our profits to environmental charities, and this comes at no cost to the user.

Small changes can make a big difference and, by changing some simple habits, you might not only reduce your own environmental impact but inspire others to do the same too.

This article first appeared on Blogspot.